Remarks from Cast and Crew

  • "The crew was incredible at handing scene changes quickly and always being ready for any situation. I’m proud to have worked on ‘Balls of Tin’ and to have made great friendships on it.”

    — Kate Hogan-Hines (Claire Bennet, Balls of Tin)

  • "These people inspire me every day. I am so thankful for the experiences I've had working with this team!"

    — Zed Eisenhaure

  • "I had the great honor of being directed by Rachelle on 'Balls of Tin.' The way that she directs is exactly the same way that she teaches. This is with passion, enthusiasm, and an immense respect for all of her colleagues and students. Rachelle is a true artist in every sense of the word, and she always offers her own Unique vision for any project that she develops. "

    — Jake Casper (McKenzie Davidson, Balls of Tin)

Audience Feedback on Balls of Tin Pilot, TV Film Festival:

“I can tell, as a director, how frustrating this individual would be - it works well for the show. You could feel the frustration...”

“Everything Really works! You could feel the emotion.”

“Such a fresh story. So fun!”

Jury Comment on Balls of Tin Pilot, First Monthly Film Festival:

“Fun and entertaining pilot that is a beginning of what could be a very beloved TV series.”